➠ Result by Wednesday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2024-08-07 1527 6954 4226 7156 7185 2923
2024-07-31 1520 3109 8992 0518 1199 8491
2024-07-24 1513 9273 6831 5896 8859
2024-07-17 1506 6219 9649 1865 9890 2531
2024-07-10 1499 0856 6890 8829 2420 1090
2024-07-03 1492 9087 9660 9495 5282
2024-06-26 1485 7432 8133 7422 9659
2024-06-19 1478 2618 6479 3500 7006
2024-06-12 1471 9754 9470 9513 0451 2976
2024-06-05 1463 4178 5822 4313 5603 1609


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